First Sunday of Lent - Year B
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We are entering into the first week of Lent. This is a necessary time to reflect on our spiritual journey. These 40 days of Lent help us, who are the followers of Christ the Lord, reexamine, recall, and renew the purpose our life.
The Collect for Ash Wednesday in the Roman Missal states:
Grant, O Lord, that we may begin with holy fasting
that campaign of Christian service,
so that, as we take up battle against spiritual evils.
we may be armed with weapons of self-restraint.
Indeed, Lent is a time of spiritual training. We learn to take up battle against spiritual evils, our own vices so that we may come to know ourselves and God's love for us better.
The first task in this spiritual training is to repent, to have a genuinely repentant heart, for no one is perfect, but God. Acknowledging our weaknesses, our unworthiness, we need for God to help us change.
During the season of Lent the Church asks us to fast, pray, and give alms. Let us recall the meaning of these practices.
By fasting, we take good care of ourselves, to live a more healthy way, and to experience how to be hungry and thirsty in order to be in solidarity with those less fortunate than us. By almsgiving, we rebuild our relationship with others. That is to share the resource that God has given to us, to include the poor and the needy into our life, and to change our wrong perceptions about the poor. And by praying, we reconnect ourselves to God more intimately every day for knowing that God wants us to have a better relationship with God.
May God bless us all in this Lenten season.
Fr. Phi Nguyen
Weekdays Mass Schedule
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. Bilingual - English/Vietnamese
Weekend Mass Schedule
4:00 PM (English)
6:00 PM (Vietnamese)
7:30 a.m. Vietnamese
9:30 a.m. English
11:30 a.m. Vietnamese
1:30 p.m. English
Saturdays from 3:00-3:30 pm.
1st & 3rd in English
2nd & 4th in English & Vietnamese
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