Feb 8, 2021

Annual Catholic Appeal – Ways to Give

The Annual Catholic Appeal of the Archdiocese of Chicago is a very effective way to support ministry outside of our Holy Child Jesus Parish boundaries as well as to support the services that the Archdiocese provides to our parish.

Please consider making your gift online. Visit the website annualcatholicappeal.com to make your pledge online.

You may also text-to-give. Text ACA2021 to the number 345345. You will receive a response toyour text containing a hyperlink to open a donation form for the Appeal. The text-to-give form will allow for one-time or monthly/recurring giving.

Our parish goal is $43,231. All monies received exceeding that goal will be 100% returned to theparish.

Thank you for your generosity.


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Please consider electronic giving via GiveCentral.org