Apr 28, 2021

Facilities Upgrade

Dear Parishioners,

These are exciting times at Holy Child Jesus Parish as we move forward with our unification process. We would like to share with you the facilities work that is in progress or that is planned for the near future. We are working with the Archdiocese on all these projects and we have sufficient funding for them.

Repair of boiler room roof and chimney – This work is underway. The boiler room roof is being repaired and the chimney is being tuckpointed.

Church lighting – Lighting will be improved in the church so that it is warmer and brighter. This project is scheduled to begin in May.

Shrines – A new shrine has been built in the confessional on the northwest side of church. This shrine will hold the statues that are now in the back of church of St. Margaret Mary, St. Henry, and a new statue that is being sculpted of St. Timothy. The shrine in the back of church will be dedicated to a new statue of the Holy Child Jesus.

Bathrooms – We are working with the Archdiocese to secure bids on building new bathrooms in the back of church. These bathrooms will be larger and ADA compliant.

Air conditioning – We have accepted a bid to install air conditioning in the church. Work will begin sometime this summer.

The church will remain open for worship during these projects. We ask for your patience and understanding while the work is going on; the contractors will make every attempt to cause as little disruption as possible.

Thank you for your support and your care for Holy Child Jesus Parish as together we enhance our new house.

Fr. Phi


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